Source code for google_auth_oauthlib.interactive

# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Get user credentials from interactive code environments.

This module contains helpers for getting user credentials from interactive
code environments installed on a development machine, such as Jupyter

from __future__ import absolute_import

import google_auth_oauthlib.flow

[docs]def get_user_credentials(scopes, client_id, client_secret): """Gets credentials associated with your Google user account. This function authenticates using your user credentials by going through the OAuth 2.0 flow. You'll open a browser window to authenticate to your Google account. The permissions it requests correspond to the scopes you've provided. To obtain the ``client_id`` and ``client_secret``, create an **OAuth client ID** with application type **Other** from the `Credentials page on the Google Developer's Console <>`_. Learn more with the `Authenticating as an end user <>`_ guide. Args: scopes (Sequence[str]): A list of scopes to use when authenticating to Google APIs. See the `list of OAuth 2.0 scopes for Google APIs <>`_. client_id (str): A string that identifies your application to Google APIs. Find this value in the `Credentials page on the Google Developer's Console <>`_. client_secret (str): A string that verifies your application to Google APIs. Find this value in the `Credentials page on the Google Developer's Console <>`_. Returns: google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials: The OAuth 2.0 credentials for the user. Examples: Get credentials for your user account and use them to run a query with BigQuery:: import google_auth_oauthlib # TODO: Create a client ID for your project. client_id = "" client_secret = "abc_ThIsIsAsEcReT" # TODO: Choose the needed scopes for your applications. scopes = [""] credentials = google_auth_oauthlib.get_user_credentials( scopes, client_id, client_secret ) # 1. Open the link. # 2. Authorize the application to have access to your account. # 3. Copy and paste the authorization code to the prompt. # Use the credentials to construct a client for Google APIs. from import bigquery bigquery_client = bigquery.Client( credentials=credentials, project="your-project-id" ) print(list(bigquery_client.query("SELECT 1").result())) """ client_config = { "installed": { "client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret, "redirect_uris": ["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"], "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", } } app_flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.InstalledAppFlow.from_client_config( client_config, scopes=scopes ) return app_flow.run_console()